
Global Terrorism: Altering Insecurity, Preventing Terror

• Lectures delivered by Prof. Hajime Nishitani (Hiroshima University), Sydney Jones (International Crisis Group), Representative from ASEAN Secretariat,  Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, the head of Indonesian National Board of Combating Terrorism.
•Personal account from terrorism survivor
•Workshops as regards three aspects of global terrorism, i.e. psychological aspect of global terrorism, political aspect of global terrorism, and human rights aspect of global terrorism.
•Group discussion and formulation of key points to prevent global terrorism and to solve the problem of global terrorism.

Water and Environmental Sustainability: Think Outside The Sink

•Lectures delivered by Prof. R.W. Triweko (Parahyangan Catholic University), Iwan Kridasantausa, Ph.D. (Bandung Institute of Technology, HATHI), Dr. Mukand Singh Babel (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand), and Prof. Yamamoto (Hiroshima University, Japan).
•Site visit to Research Center for Water Resources, Cikapundung riverside and Saguling Dam
•Sharing of research works delivered by Ir. Eko Winar Irianto, MT. (Research Center for Water Resources), Waluyo Hatmoko, M.Sc. (Research Center for Water Resources), and Doddi Yudianto, Ph.D. (Parahyangan Catholic University)
•Dissemination to locals as part of “Bringing the scene to people”
•Group discussion and formulation of key points to protect water and environmental


Museum of The Asian-African Conference

Museum of The Asian-African Conference (KAA) or Gedung Merdeka is the Museum of Political History of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. It is located in the city of Bandung. This building captured the important step toward the crystallisation of the Non-Aligned Movement, back in 1955.

Museum of Geology

Located in Gazibu-Bandung, this museum is also functioned as a laboratory of geology, and until now its use remains the same according to its function. This museum exhibits variety of artefacts and fossils from all over Indonesia. 

Jakarta Old City(Kota tua)

Kota Tua is an area of Dutch colonization inheritance which was well-known as Batavia in the 17th century. There are old buildings with classic architecture influenced by the European and Chinese style, Visiting Museums and "Ontel" bike riding are some of the activities that most visitors can enjoy.

Pencak Silat

Pencak silat is the indigenous martial arts from Indonesia. In modern usage,"pencak" and "silat" are seen as two aspects of the same practice. Pencak is the performance aspect of the martial art, while silat is the essence of the fighting and self-defense.


Karawitan specifically is traditional music in the whole ethnic areas in Indonesia, especially in Java, Madura and Bali. Gamelan, calung, kecapi , and suling are some of the musical instruments comprised in karawitan.


Angklung is an Indonesian musical instrument consisting of two to four bamboo tubes suspended in a bamboo frame, bound with rattan cords. Because of the collaborative nature of angklung music, it promotes the harmony and mutual respect among the players, It also reflects the spirit of discipline, responsibility, concentration, as well as artistic and musical feelings.

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